Wilhelm Hansberg Torres

Investigador Titular C

Intereses de Investigación

Trayectoria Profesional

Investigador Titular C

Posdoctorados y Estancias

Estancia Posdoctoral, Roma, Italia, ()

Formación Académica

Médico Cirujano, Facultad de Medicina, UNAM, México ()

Maestría en Ciencias (Bioquímica), Facultad de Química, UNAM, México ()

Doctor en Ciencias (Biooquímica), Facultad de Química, UNAM, México ()

Líneas de Investigación

Cell differentiation as a response to reactive oxygen species.: Cell differentiation as a response to oxidative stress is our working hypothesis. We utilize Neurospora crassa asexual and sexual life cycles as models of cell differentiation. Asexual spores (conidia) formation in N. crassa can be induced to occur synchronously and the different cell structures can be separated at different times and in quantities that allow a biochemical analysis. We have observed generation of oxidative stress at the start of each morphogenetic transition of the conidiation process. Reactive oxygen species are detected by chemiluminescence. Antioxidants inhibit and oxidants promote cell differentiation. A catalase null mutant strain develops oxidative stress and forms more aerial hyphae and conidia. Another catalase is induced an accumulated in high levels in conidia. Both catalases have a functional molecular chaperone domain. As a response to the hyperoxidant condition the cells insulate themselves from O2. We study the components of the plasma membrane and the cell wall that function as barriers for the permeation of O2 into the cells. We also analyze if our mathematical model that describes the cell differentiation process in Neurospora can be applied to other cell differentiation model systems.

Integrantes del Laboratorio

Claudia Peña Segura

Edificio Principal - Oriente
Laboratorio 103
Tel. 25655


Páez Gómez Omar (Posdoctorado)
• Posdoctorado(No Aplica)

Tel. 5556225655
Tutor: Wilhelm Hansberg Torres